Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

All our products are delivered by mail, we do not have any physical products, you will receive the delivery on your email

Do You Ship Internationally?

You can buy our products from anywhere in the world, We have provided payment methods and you can order from anywhere by paying from.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

It may take 10 minutes to 2 hours to get your product but we will work to deliver your product as soon as possible. Hope you get it soon. If there is any problem, give us a call on WhatsApp.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Our payment method is now available bkash cash rocket way soon we will launch international payment

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

You can buy products from us without any tension you can know about us visit our group page

Order & Retunrs

How do I place an Order?

To order you must select any product and order by selecting your phone number mail address payment details.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

To cancel the order, tell us why you want to cancel or if there is a problem. You can communicate with us on WhatsApp by writing your order number.

Do I need an account to place an order?

Yes, you must have an account. If you account, you will be able to know which products you are ordering. All documents will be saved.
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